With the title "O Mundo do Samba e o Samba no Mundo" (The World of Samba and Samba around the World) the 7º Encontro Internacional de Samba e Carnaval (7th International Meeting of Samba and Carnival) will take place at the Centro de Artes Calouste Gulbenkian, located between Sambódromo and the Terreirão do Samba in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 13th to 17th of February 2012.
Past Encontros have taken place at the Cidade do Samba (Samba City) and at the Centro de Letras e Artes da UNIRIO. Always on the week before the days of the Carnival, the event is an artistic residence and a place of exchange between foreign Sambistas (Irish, English, German, Japanese, Danish, French, Finish, Italian, Swiss and Americans who've come to take part in our Carnival, plus Brazilian Sambistas.
Taking place from Monday 13th to Friday 17th of February there will be an opening party, workshops in percussion, dance, costume making, props and floats. There will also be lectures, round table discussions with important representatives from Carnival and Samba plus performances of foreign and Brazilian groups.
The event is aimed at all sections of the large supply chain of Carnival. It will allow practitioners from various nationalities, professionals or amateurs, residents or visitors to Rio de Janeiro to take part.
The event is scheduled to begin at 18:00h on Monday 13th February 2012. It will include a gathering to bring together various personalities with Brazilian and foreign institutions at a big Roda de Samba. This will take place alongside the launch of the “Samba global Award” which tributes of the personalities and institutions which stand out in the promotion of Samba and Carnival in this new contemporary scenario of the globalisation of Samba and intermingling of cultures.
The 7º Encontro Internacional de Samba e Carnaval is an initiative of the Samba Global project (www.sambaglobal.net) and realised by CRIAR - Centro de Referência e Informação em Artes, Entretenimento e Cultura Brasileira (Centre of Reference and Information in Arts, Entertainment and Brazilian culture).
It has partnered with Centro de Letras e Artes (Centre for literature and the Arts) at UNIRIO (Federal University of the state of Rio de Janeiro).
Also with the help of the secretary of culture for the state of Rio de Janeiro, alongside AMEBRAS, CIDADE DO SAMBA as well as AESA (Japan), ASSF (Finland), Sambarato (Italy) and Samba Tam Tam Batucada (Czech republic).